Gene Lowe Team, Howard Hanna and Rand Realty new affiliation 7 month television and digital marketing ad campaign has begun! All Dunn Advertising announces a mega rebranding ad campaign with multiple spots on all Altice networks such as HGTV, Lifetime, CNN, TNT, Food, USA, ESPN, Hallmark, News12, Fox News and Bravo.
Coupled with the expansion of offices and Northern New Jersey territories, the Gene Lowe Team has expanded the team to better serve the clients with full service real estate offerings. Known for "walking clients through every step of the process", the new affiliations certainly makes a PERFECT HOME TEAM!

The initial ad focuses on name recognition and rebranding. The 15 second spot will be followed by a series of 30 second ads that will further both the rebranding and real estate sales aspects of the rebranding campaign.
