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Gladden Foods inks new deal with All Dunn Advertising to Niche African American Markets

Updated: Oct 8, 2019

Gladden Foods, the new upstart distributor expands branding campaign with All Dunn Advertising to service many African American business owners as a consortium...

Featuring one of many signature products
GLADDEN FOODS signature product, 9/19/2019 - NEW YORK. All Dunn Advertising inks a long-term deal with upstart Gladden Foods. The company’s progressive vision as a consortium includes a niche market to distribute African American products in the tri-state area: New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut in its initial rollout this year. One spokesperson for Gladden indicated the consortium will provide the African American community more options at their local food markets.

Gladden Foods distribution will include:

Its signature Ketchup brand,

Selected Wine and Beer produced by African American owners

Healthy Snacks and much more.

Gladden’s business model is on track to produce numerous jobs as smaller companies are able to compete in the marketplace on a national level; the visibility could lead to expansive brand recognition and increase revenue.

The group has received favorable responses with African American companies and investors alike, its aggressive campaign is fast becoming a competitive new trend with African American upstarts to participate in national markets

Lastly, in 2020, Gladden’s markets will include Ohio, North Carolina, and Georgia.

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